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Lavrazia ALCOS 2.5
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Reference list

TYPE and NAME of

DW, t Owner Classification
1 “Osam” 75000 Navigation Maritime Bulgare BRS
2 “Mesta” 75000 “ ” BRS
3 “Khan Asparuh” 100000 “ ” BRS
4 “Castor” Athenian Sea Carriers, Ltd, Athens, GREECE ABS
5 “Athenian Pride” “ ” NKK
6 “Athenian Freedom” “ ” DNV
7 “Athenian Glory” 90000 “ ” BV
8 “Athenian Grace” 320000 “ ” DNV
Chemical Carriers
9 “Batova” 6500 Navigation Maritime Bulgare BRS
10 “Panega” 6500 Navigation Maritime Bulgare BRS
12 Stock Petrea 4320 ES-CAD ENGINEERING BV
Multi-puprpose vessels
13 “ Teteven” 9000 Navigation Maritime Bulgare BRS
14 “Balchik” 9000 “ ” LR
15 “Smolyan” 9000  “ ” LR
16 “Varna” 9000 “ ” BRS
17 “Bourgas” 9000 “ ” BRS
18 “Bluwind” 9000 Blumarin Shipping Ltd, ITALY LR
19 “Blumarlin” 9000 “ ” LR
20 “Bluarrow” 9000 “ “ LR
21 “Mary green” 9000 “ “ LR
22 “Ever Brisk” 9000 Shandong Province marine Shipping Co. CHINA LR
23 “Persey” – heavy cargo  carrier 3000 Argo Shipping Ltd Bulgaria BV
24 CDRY White 8000 Ve-Na Navigazione SPA GL
25 CDRY Black 8000 Navemar S.p.A. GL
26 CDRY Brown 8000 Ve-Na Navigazione SPA GL
27 CDRY Blue 8000 Euronavi SRL GL
28 CDRY Red 8000 SDS Navigation SRL GL
29 CDRY Green 8000 SDS Navigation SRL GL
30 Marmed 8050 Marmed Marituime S.A. GL
31 Emona 9800 IHB Shipping LR
32 Marciana 9900 IHB Shipping LR
33 Sider Tis Faxton Shipping Inc RINA
34 Sider Colombia Nano Shipping Inc RINA
35 Sider Atlantic Norscif Transportes e Servicios Madeira RINA
36 Szimanowski Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Co. LR
37 Norwid Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Co LR
38 Wieniawski Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Co LR
39 Sider Vivara 7500  YORTE Shipping inc RINA
40 Sider Mompox 15000  Nano Shipping Inc BV
41 Sider Liu 15000  JOVAL Shipping SA BV
42 Sider Vega 11000  SIDERNAVI SPA RINA
43 Sider Procida 7700 DENTON Shipping INC RINA
44 Sider Sun 8100  CABROOK Shipping RINA
45 Sider Tayrona 14700  JOVAL Shipping SA BV
46 Sider Moon 26400  NOVA MOON Shipping SA RINA
RO-RO(LO) vessels
47 “Dobrudja” 10500 Navigation Maritime Bulgare BRS
48 “Trakia” 10500 “ ” BRS
49 “Seaboard Trader” 9000 Seaboard Trader LTD, USA LR
50 “Geroite na Odessa” 18500 Navigation Maritime Bulgare BRS
51 “Geroite na Sevastopol” 18500 Navigation Maritime Bulgare BRS
52 Varna Varnaferry BRS
General Cargo vessels
53 “Vasil Levski” 15500 Navigation Maritime Bulgare BRS
54 “Ivan Zagubanski” 15500 “ ” BRS
55 “Hristo Botev” 15500 “ ” BRS
56 “Kapitan Petko Voivoda” 15500 “ ” BRS
57 “Lyuben Karavelov” 15500 “ ” BRS
58 “Gotze Delchev” 15500 “ “ BRS
59 “Ivan Vazov” 13260 “ ” BRS
60 “Petko Slaveikov” 13260 “ ” BRS
61 “Bergen” 10000 Ahileos Shipping ltd BRS
62 “Boden” 10000 “” BRS
63 “Nikola  Vaptzarov” 5525 Navigation Maritime Bulgare BRS
64 “Balkan future” 4500 B&M Shipping, Ltd, USA BRS
65 “Pomorie” 3200 Navigation Maritime Bulgare BRS
66 “Sozopol” 3200 “ ” BRS
67 “Kavarna” 3200 “ ” BRS
68 “Lime” 3400 H.H. Brothers Maritime Ltd. Cyprus BRS
69 “Dore” 3400 “ ” BRS
70 “Jenny” 4500 “ ” GL
71 “Dessy” 4500 “ ” GL
72 “Gerry” 4500 “ ” GL
73 “Jakob” 4000 “ ” GL
74 “Denitza” 4000 Cosmos Shipping Ltd BRS
75 “Katya Z” 8000 VST Ltd, Bulgaria BV
76 “European” 6200 “ “ BV
77 Kavarna 3260 Navibulgare BRS
78 Pomorie 3260 Navibulgare BRS
79 Sozopol 3260 Navibulgare BRS
80 Princess K 23500 VST Ltd LR
81 Denny Z 23500 VST Ltd LR
82 Bella L 8000 VST Ltd BRS
83 Arabella 8000 VST Ltd BRS
84 Sider Tis 11353 FOXTON SHIPPING Inc. RINA
85 Sider Liu 14640 JOVAL Shipping Inc. BV
86 Sider Tayrona 14640 JOVAL Shipping Inc. BV
Container vessels
87 “Sofia” 1000 cont. Navigation Maritime Bulgare GL
88 “Plovdiv” 1000 cont. “ “ GL
89 “Rousse” 1000 cont. “ “ GL
90 “Aleko Konstantinov” 1000 cont. Navigation Maritime Bulgare LR
91 “Peyo Javorov” 1000 cont. “ “ LR
92 “Geo Milev” 1000 cont. “ “ LR
93 “Stanko Staikov” 400 cont. “ “ BRS
94 “Stoiko Peev” 400 cont. “ “ BRS
95 “Pioner” 400 cont. “ “ LR
96 “Nesebar” 400 cont. “ “ LR
Coal / Ore carriers
97 “Plana” 19000 Navigation Maritime Bulgare BRS
98 “Midjur” 20000 “ “ GL
99 “Vola” 19000 “ “ BRS
100 “Sakar” 20000 “ “ GL
101 “Tzarevetz” 20000 “ “ GL
Bulk carriers
102 “Osogovo” 9600 Navigation Maritime Bulgare BRS
103 “Belasitza” 9600 “ “ BRS
104 “Ograjden” 9600 “ “ BRS
105 “Hemus” 9600 “ “ BRS
106 “Lyulin” 9600 “ “ BRS
107 “Stara planina” 9600 “ “ BRS
108 “Sredna gora” 9600 “ “ BRS
109 “Verila” 10500 “ “ BRS
110 “Viden” 10500 “ “ BRS
111 “Vesletz” 10500 “ “ BRS
112 “Tcherni vrakh” 10500 “ “ BRS
113 “Tchumerna” 10500 “ “ BRS
114 “Kom” 13200 “ “ GL
115 “Persenk” 13200 “ “ GL
116 “Vejen” 14000 “ “ BRS
117 “Murgash” 13900 “ “ BRS
118 “Musala” 14000 “ “ BRS
119 “Buzludja” 13900 “ “ BRS
120 “Ludogoretz” 13900 “ “ BRS
121 “Ruen” 13900 “ “ BRS
122 “Oborishte” 13900 “ “ BRS
123 “Balkan” 25000 “ “ ABS
124 “Vitosha” 25000 “ “ BRS
125 “Rojen” 25000 “ “ BRS
126 “Rodopi” 25000 “ “ BRS
127 “Slavianka” 25000 “ “ BRS
128 “Shipka” 25000 “ “ BRS
129 “Milin kamak” 25000 “ “ BRS
130 “Kapitan G. Georgiev” 25000 “ “ BRS
131 “Kamenitza” 25000 “ “ BRS
132 “Okoltchitza” 25000 “ “ BRS
133 “Rila” 25000 “ “ BRS
134 “Koznitsa” 25000 “ “ BRS
135 “Malyovitza” 25000 “ “ BRS
136 “Belmeken” 25000 “ “ BRS
137 “General Zaimov” 25000 “ “ BRS
138 “Shiiva” 25000 BULCOM Ltd, CYPRUS BRS
139 “Levent” 32000 “ “ BRS
140 “Rayna” 32000 “ “ BRS
141 “Rhea” 38000 “ “ BRS
142 “Lagoon” 32000 SA Shipping, CYPRUS RRS
143 “Georgi Grigorov” 38000 Navigation Maritime Bulgare LR
144 “Alexander Dimitrov” 38000 “ “ LR
145 “Dimitrovski komsomol” 38000 “ “ LR
146 “Yordan Lyutibrodski” 38000 Navigation Maritime Bulgare LR
147 “Liliana Dimitrova” 38000 “ “ BRS
148 “Adalbert Antonov” 38000 “ “ BRS
149 “Petimata ot RMS” 38000 “ “ BRS
150 “Yordanka Nikolova” 38000 “ “ BRS
151 “Svilen Rousev” 38000 “ “ BRS
152 “Kjuo Kiang carier” 39000 MPHB Shipping PTE,LTD SINGAPORE NKK
153 “Multi purpose 3” 42500 “ “ LR
154 “Multi purpose 4” 42500 “ “ LR
155 “Balgarka” 42500 Navigation Maritime Bulgare LR
156 “Rodina” 50000 Navigation Maritime Bulgare BRS
157 “Bulgaria” 50000 “ “ BRS
158 “Merea” 50000 BULCOM Ltd, CYPRUS GL
159 “Galaxy” 50000 “ “ BRS
160 Diamond Sea 56000 IHB Shipping NKK
161 Diamond Sky 56000 IHB Shipping NKK
162 Diamond Stars 56000 Inci Ship Management NKK
163 Antheia 21200 IHB Shipping GL
164 Karvuna 21200 IHB Shipping GL
165 Plana 21200 Navibulgare GL
166 Midzhur 21200 Navibulgare GL
167 Vola 21200 Navibulgare GL
168 Trapezitza 21500 Navibulgare GL
169 Lyulin 30700 Navibulgare ABS
170 Osogovo 30700 Navibulgare ABS
171 Belasitza 30700 Navibulgare ABS
172 Rodopi 30700 Navibulgare ABS
173 Bogdan 13900 Navibulgare GL
174 Perelik 13900 Navibulgare GL
175 Koznitza 25500 Navibulgare BRS
176 Assirat 25700 S.C. Tomini Trading SRL
177 Sider Colombia 13154 Nano Shipping Inc. RINA
178 Sider Atlantic 30322 Norscif Transportes e Servisios Madeira RINA
179 Sider Mompox 14640 Nano Shipping Inc. BV
180 Sider King 25539 SIDERNAVI SPA RINA
181 Sider Dream 33572 Trim Shipping SA RINA
182 Sider Venus 33572 Nova Island Shipping SA BV
183 Sider Discovery 31758 NOVA DISCOVERY S.A. BV
184 Zealand Zaria 25468 BROOK SHIPPING LTD BV
185 Sider Sun 8081 CABROOK Shipping RINA
187 NACC Vivara 7450 YORTE Shipping Inc. RINA
189 NACC Procida 7450 DENTON Shipping Inc. RINA
190 NACC Star 7150 TOLSON Shipping Ltd. RINA
191 NACC Capri 7182 NACC CAPRI Ltd. RINA
192 NACC Quebec 15286 NACC Quebec Ltd. RINA

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Condition: 11. November 2019